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Business Result Wordlist with French Translation


Business Result Intermediate Wordlist with French Translation  

Speaking test questions section 1

What's your name?

How do you spell your family name?

I spell it ......

Where are you from?

I'm originally from Alsace but now I live near Montpellier.

Do you work or are you a student?

At the moment I'm not working. I'm looking for a new job.

What do you enjoy doing at weekends?

At the weekends I enjoy renovating my garage, doing DIY, walking in the mountains or visiting other towns. In the winter I like skiing. I also like walking my dog. 

Do you get many opportunities to speak English?

Yes, when I go on holiday abroad I speak English. When I went to visit my daughter in Mexico, for example. And I speak English regularly with my English teacher. 

What's the best thing that happened to you last week?

The best thing that happened to me last week was that I ate a dish made with mushrooms which I had picked myself.

Where would you like to live in the future?

When I retire I would like to live in the Alps. I hope to be able to travel all over the world.

Part 3 example question

I am very interested in learning to draw. I think it's a very useful skill to have when we travel, for example, so that we can sketch the monuments, the countryside, the trees, the flowers. I think my main difficulty is to sketch/draw quickly enough to capture the moment. In the past, I've already studied drawing a little by myself. It's a rare pleasure. I wouldn't like to have lessons but I would like to improve this skill.

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