Extra Class Activities



 Life Map





Introductions : using everyday vocabulary: food, sport, family. Expressing yourself in basic tenses (revision of past, present, future)


Lesson A

Do you…?/Are you …?
Extra information: W/H?

Example: “Are you French?” …”No, I’m not” …..“Where are you from?”… “I’m from Italy.”

from Montpellier

live close to school


read a newspaper

eat out a lot

love sport

have any hobbies

have a part time job

have a pet

like the cinema

go to the beach often

like travelling

live alone

drink coffee

musical or artistic


Present Simple and Continuous. Food and Restaurants

Use present simple for:

1. Permanent situations "I live in a flat."

2. Habits "She always has toast for breakfast." "He goes out twice a week."

How often do you .......? = with what frequency do you ...?

Use present continuous for:

1. Actions happening now or in the present period "It's raining." "Prices are going up."

2. Organised future "I'm meeting John at 3pm tomorrow."

(state verbs e.g. know, be, have, etc,  are not usually used with present continuous)

Ask and answer questions in the present simple or continuous.

1. How often/go/cinema?
2. What/read/at the moment?
3. What/like/do/free time?
4. Where/usually/go/on Saturday night?
5. What time/usually/go/to bed?
6. Study/other languages this year?
7. How/get to/work (or school)?
8. What kind/films/like?
9. What/do/tonight?
10. When/watch TV?

Past Simple & holidays

Pronunciation of ED

/t/ - verbs ending in: k "asked", ch "watched", sh "washed", p "stopped", x "relaxed", s "kissed", /f/ "laughed"

/id/ - verbs ending in: t "rented", d "needed"

/d/ - the rest

Past simple practice Complete lesson

Vocabulary - Interactive Exercise - Holidays




Lesson B  

Narrative tenses. Sport vocabulary.

The narrative tenses are: the past simplethe past continuous and the past perfect.

These are the tenses we use in English to tell a story.


When Jane arrive home at 8pm, her sister.........

cooked the dinner.

was cooking the dinner.

had cooked the dinner.

Lesson C



Future forms 

Be Going to + Verb 
I am going to take .....

You are going to ...
He/She is going to ...

Situations: Future plans or goals / Predictions based on evidence
Examples: I'm going to be a doctor. / She's going to study Spanish next year. / Look at those clouds. It's going to rain.

Present Continuous 

Situations: Future plans/arrangements that are already made 
Examples: She's babysitting Saturday night. / I'm working tonight. 

Present Simple 

Situations: Facts or set events / Times of movies, tv shows, travel / Events on a calendar or schedule
Examples: The store opens at 9:00 am. / What time does your flight leave tomorrow? / The meeting starts at 7:00. 

Will + Verb

Situations: Unplanned decisions and offers / Predictions without evidence / Promises
Examples: I'll help you. / I think that Spain will win the next World Cup. / I'll clean my room tomorrow.

Might +verb

Not decided/possible: "I might go to the cinema." = it's possible but not sure ("may go" is also possible)


Going to Questions (plans):

What are you going to do this weekend?

What are you going to watch on TV this evening?

Are you going to cook tonight?

What is the next film you are going to see?

Are you going to use the internet later? 

What is the next thing you are going to buy for yourself?

What are you going to do for your next holiday?

What time are you going to get up tomorrow?

Present Continuous Question (arrangements)

What are you doing tomorrow?

Are you meeting anyone soon?

Is anyone you know getting married soon?

Will (predictions)

Do you think you will live abroad one day?

Do you think there will be a second wave of coronavirus?

Orders & future tenses


Revise and Check:

Revise File 1 - Interactive Exercise


 Learn to talk about life experiences, work, travel

Lesson A (past simple and present perfect)


Lesson B (present perfect continuous ) Life experiences

Changing your life

Lesson C (Comparatives) Transport and travel. 


1 syllable adjective: + er or est.... old   older (than)   the oldest (er = more, est = most)

2 syllables ending in 'y': + ier, iest .......  easy, easier, the easiest

2 syllable (not ending in 'y') or 3, 4 syllables etc: more difficult (than), the most difficult

good, better, the best
bad, worse, the worst
far, further, the furthest

aussi ... que = as ...... as "He is as tall as his brother."

a bit bigger than

Practical English: In the office

Revise and Check:

Revise File 2 - Interactive Link


 Expressing obligation, deduction and possibility

Lesson A  Being polite, must, have to, should

Lesson B Describing people, must, may, can’t

Lesson C expressing ability: adjectives, can could, be able to

Practical English: renting a flat


Revise and Check:

Revise Modals - Interactive Exercise


 Talking about education, hypothetical situations, past habits

Lesson A Education, first conditional

Lesson B Houses, second conditional

Lesson C  Caffeine/Used to


Revise and Check:

Revise Usually and Used to

Revise Conditionals - Interactive Exercise



 How to express quantities, English for work situations, meetings

Lesson A Describing lifestyle, quantifiers

Slow Down - Lifestyle and quantifiers

Lesson B articles

Lesson C

Gerunds and infinitives

Gerund or Infinitive?

Job Swap/Meetings - Unit 5c - Gerund or Infinitive


Revise and Check:

Revise Gerunds and Infinitives - Interactive Exercise


 Everyday life situations 2: shopping, cinema, news


Lesson A shopping, reported speech


Lesson B cinema, passive

Passive and Films



Lesson C What people do

Practical English: Breaking news


Revise and Check:

Revise Unit 6 - The Passive - Interactive Exercise


Hypothetical situations in the past, questions, media


Lesson A  Third Conditional

Lesson B Reading murder mysteries, questions

Lesson C Television, phrasal verbs

Revise and Check:

Revise 3rd Conditional and Quantifiers - Interactive Lesson

Revise Question Tags - Interactive Exercise




Practical English Worksheets - NEF PI 

Practical Professional English Worksheets BR PI 

Practical Professional English Writing and Email Files BRPI 

End Course Test

Revision Exercises PDF NEF 

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Homework 19th May 2023

 Listening on page 11 watch Practical English videos Online 1C, practical English, check your progress